Since I made that statement here, I am sure you feel a little bit of what I feel. Not only does the first part of that statement have a lot of truth, but the second part of it is also something that we all know. The first part is that we are all a part of the human condition. We are all the same, the same as the rest of the animal kingdom. We are all part of something that evolved over millions of years to become what we are.
The truth to that statement is that the only thing that we can be is what we are. We can’t be something else; we can’t go outside of who we are. We can’t learn to be something else. We can’t be anything else.
The problem is that we have grown so large that we can’t see the forest for the trees. And that is why we become so obsessed with who we are. We get so concerned with how we look, what we can do, what we can find, what we can have, what we can buy, what we can have and then we never look any closer.
The problem is that these people are so intent on knowing everything about everything all of the time that they never stop to consider why the universe is what it is. And that is how we end up becoming so obsessed with who we are. We never stop to ask what the universe is doing. We never stop to ask what is a good life. We never stop to ask what is a good person. We are the same person all the time, but we cant see that.
The truth is that the only way to know what is a good person is if you stop and think about it. And this is what I am trying to tell you.
Well, you are going to have to stop sometime, because your life now is all about the same thing as the one before. And you are going to have to stop and ask a question or three to find out what that is.
This is a quote from a famous film, casino morongo buffet. The film is about a man who goes on a journey of self-discovery. The journey takes him from a life of crime to a life of peace and happiness. At the end of the film, the man dies. This quote says that if you really want to know what is worth living for, just ask your own question.
This is the same problem that’s happening with our lives. We are now all in the same place, but we’re all still getting the same answers. If you want to know what is worth living for, just ask your own question.
The problem isn’t in the question, but in the answer we’re given. All we get are questions that don’t answer the question. We’ve all met people who said they want to give themselves a chance to start over, but instead of giving all of themselves they just gave themselves a chance to be a thief or a liar.
The problem is that if we really want to give ourselves a chance to start over, we just have to step outside of ourselves and do it. It’s like a puzzle, and we’re supposed to find the answer in the answers we already had. We don’t. It’s not the answer we need, but it’s the answer we already had that was given to us in the very first answer that told us what to do.